The Gloster Gladiator is probably best remembered for it's stoic defence of Malta when three Gloster Gladiators, nicknamed Faith, Hope and Charity, although outgunned and outperformed, held off the might of the axis air force until relieved by the Hawker Hurricanes of 261 Squadron. The story of the RAF's Hal Far Fighter Unit based on Malta was not quite what is generally believed, the aircraft were in fact "borrowed" Royal Navy Sea Gladiators, and there were considerably more than three Gloster Gladiator fighters in service, as individual flights were limited to a maximum of three aircraft many local's gained the impression that there were only three aircraft and they were flying a prodigious number of hours! The RAF at the time were not even aware the almost fictitious "lone" three Gloster Gladiators Faith, Hope and Charity - But it was a good patriotic story and with the aid of the press helped raise moral following the Italian entry in to WW2 on the side of Germany. The truth about the defence of Mata, although not quite that of popular belief, was certainly no less courageous, the air battles between the ultimate in biplane fighter planes, the Fiat CR.42 Falco and the Gloster Gladiator are certainly a unique piece of air warfare history. |